Entries by Gino

Celebrity Scoop – 01/14/2021

TOM HANKS TO HOST STAR-STUDDED BIDEN/HARRIS INAUGURATION – (01/14/2021) One of the most beloved and universally uncontroversial celebs, Tom Hanks, is set to host the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on January 20th in a primetime special dubbed Celebrating America. The show will air on multiple networks, including  ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN, along […]

Celebrity Scoop – 01/13/2021

TAYLOR SWIFT BREAKS ANOTHER ‘BILLBOARD’ RECORD – (01/13/2021) Taylor Swift is the first artist to log 45 weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard Artist 100. Swift outpaces Drake, who ranks second with 31 weeks atop the chart. The “Willow” singer is buoyed by her two most recent LPs, December’s evermore and July’s folklore. The […]

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Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office Receives National Recognition for Simultaneous Accreditation

Photo Courtesy of Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office   Under the leadership of Sheriff Kevin J. Joyce, who took office in 2010, the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office became one of four Sheriff’s Office’s nationwide to be awarded the National Sheriff’s Association Triple Crown Award in 2020.  The Triple Crown Award was established by the National Sheriff’s […]

Celebrity Scoop – 01/12/2021

‘VOGUE’ RESPONDS TO KAMALA HARRIS COVER CRITICISM – (01/12/2021) Vogue has responded to the criticism they’ve received for their recent cover featuring Vice-President elect Kamala Harris, who wore Converse sneakers, with a black blazer. There was an additional cover with Kamala wearing a powder blue suit, which was the digital cover.  According to Entertainment Tonight, […]


Conway Motor Vehicle Accident Victim Identified

On January 10th, 2021 at approximately 8:00 pm officers from the Conway Police Department responded to a report of a single vehicle, motor vehicle crash on Stark Road. It was reported that a white 2012 Infinity G37X sedan was traveling south on Stark Road and struck a tree just off the right-hand side of the […]