Approximately six weeks ago the Vaughan Food Pantry quickly adapted to the evolution of safety measures and operational methods in response to the pandemic. Jennifer Perkins, Administrator of Vaughan Community services goes on to say; “The way we distribute food, that’s the first change. People used to come into a common area and (we would) give them to them individually. Now, we pre-package all of our items. They are given, perhaps in some cases, more food than they want or items that they don’t want. But they are receiving them because we pre-package our bags”. All of the items in those bags are wiped down with disinfectant by Vaughan volunteers. She goes on to explain that there are no more visitors to the interior of the food pantry and that all pick-ups are done curbside.
In addition to a change in purchasing, packaging and pick up procedures, there is a temporary hiatus on food donations to the food pantry making monetary donations to support them during the COVID-19 crisis even more important. To make a donation that will support the work of the food pantry one hundred percent, please visit: www.vaughannh.org.
If you are experiencing food insecurity, you are encouraged to visit the Vaughan Community Services food pantry at 2076 White Mountain Highway in North Conway. It is open Tuesdays from 12:00 p.m. until 1:45 p.m. and on Thursdays from 1:00 p.m. until 2:45 p.m .
For more information about local food pantries, please visit: www.211nh.org.