Kathy Metz of the American Cancer Society joined Gino today on the Magic Morning Show to discuss the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk happening in North Conway on October 20th, 2019. Click to listen and look below for all the details.
Sunday, October 20th, – American Cancer Society’s Annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk at Whitaker Woods Homesite, North Conway. Celebrating 25+ years of saving lives, the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer North Conway unites our community to honor those touched by the disease and raise awareness and funds for a world without breast cancer.
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is a noncompetitive three-mile walk. Dollars raised help the American Cancer Society fund innovative breast cancer research; provide education and guidance to help people reduce their risk; and offer comprehensive patient support to those who need it most so that no one faces breast cancer alone. For more information contact Kathy.Metz@cancer.org or 512.490.8787 or go to www.makingstrideswalk.org/northconwaynh.