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The MWV Cal Ripken Baseball Opening Day is this Saturday (4/27)! Join the Festivities!
The Mount Washington Valley Cal Ripken Baseball League is kicking off their 2019 Season this Saturday, April 27th at Whitaker Field with a whole day of events!
MWV Cal Ripken Baseball President Andy Pepin and Assistant Coach Sarah Baker joined Gino on the Magic Morning Show and told us all about it!
Click to listen to the interview and check out their itinerary posted below! Come on out and support local baseball!
Opening Day Parade & Ceremony and Home Run Derby on Saturday, April 27th @ Whitaker Field at 9AM
*Parade (Begins @ 9am)
*Opening Day Ceremonies
*Homerun Derby
10U and 12U Travel Tryouts:
*12U- 2pm-4pm (John Fuller)
*10U- 4pm-6pm (John Fuller)
Homerun Derby-
All kids have the opportunity to win prizes through their fundraising efforts and a chance to receive extra prizes based on overall fundraising dollars and how they actually finish in their respective divisions for the Homerun Derby.
Other events:
• Food and drink for purchase available before the Parade and all day at the snack shack, food for sale by the Kiwanis, Starting Point, Ben & Jerry’s and Big Dave’s.
• Fisher Cats Mascot
• Face Painting with Carol Hanson
• Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
• Story Land Cast Members
• Bungee Jump, Rock Wall and 5 Large Inflatables
• Conway Police Department and the DARE program
• Conway Fire Department with a Fire Truck
• Smokey the Bear and Forest Rangers
• National Anthem and Recognition of Sponsors
• Kennett High School Baseball Head Coach Josh and the Varsity Team
The teams are as follows…
Bartlett Braves
Center Conway Rockies
Conway Tigers
Madison Mets
North Conway Sea Dogs
Tamworth Phillies
Freedom National
Bartlett Mariners
Conway Red Sox
Madison Cubs
North Conway Orioles
Pine Tree Brewers
Tamworth Rockies
Bartlett White Sox
Conway Crushers
Freedom Astros
North Conway Royals
Pine Tree Dodgers
Pine Tree Pirates
Tamworth Athletics
To learn more about the MWV Cal Ripken Baseball League follow them on Facebook!
Avengers: Endgame Debuts This Weekend…But What About the Next Avengers Film for Summer 2020?
Avengers: Endgame is set to drop this weekend, and the film will wrap up the plot lines for the Marvel Universe’s previous 22 films.
The film premiered in L.A. Monday, and while attendees didn’t spill any spoilers, they did seem pretty psyched—and emotional—after the film. Angie J. Han tweeted that the film “is an immensely satisfying payoff, not just to Infinity War but to all the films that came before.”
Rob Keyes echoed the sentiment, tweeting: “Just watched Avengers: Endgame. I don’t believe hyperbole is possible for this movie. It is the ultimate Marvel movie in every way possible and words cannot describe how epic it is.”
But have you heard about the next Avengers film? It debuts in the summer of 2020 and we have exclusive audio from the trailer. It’s a prequel to everything that has happened in the Marvel Universe. Enjoy!
(This is clearly a parody and we are just having fun until the real Avengers: Endgame comes out. Relax!)
If You Use Any of These Passwords… It’s Time for a Change!
When it comes to your passwords you really have to get creative these days, and that means ditching obvious ones like “qwerty“ and “123456“, but also staying away from using “Blink182“. Yeah, the pop punk band might’ve been you’re favorite in the early 2000s, but the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) analyzed passwords from the accounts that had been breached of people worldwide, and found “blink182“ was the most commonly used musical artist, while “superman“ was the most commonly used fictional character. Also, don’t use “cowboys1“ unless you like getting hacked.
“123456” was the runaway winner, with 23.2 million accounts using the easy-to-crack code. “123456789” was used by 7.7 million, while “qwerty” and “password” were each used by more than 3 million accounts. “Ashley“ and “Michael“ were the most common names used, followed by “Daniel“, “Jessica” and “Charlie“.
The Dallas Cowboys “cowboys1″ was the most popular NFL team nickname, while “Sunday” was the most used day of the week and “August“ the most common month.
The 10 Most Commonly Used Passwords according to the new study by the National Cyber Security Centre.