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If you need assistance with the public file, please contact Keith Murray at 603-356-8870 or
If you need assistance please contact Keith Murray at 603-356-8870 or e-mail
If you need assistance with the public file, please contact Keith Murray at 603-356-8870 or
If you need assistance please contact Keith Murray at 603-356-8870 or e-mail
First Granite Stater Dies of COVID-19
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — New Hampshire officials have announced the first death from the coronavirus. State Epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan said Monday the Hillsborough County man was over the age of 60 and had multiple chronic health conditions. He died over the weekend. More than 100 people in the state have tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. About a dozen have been hospitalized. Also, Gov. Chris Sununu announced that Southern New Hampshire University will be the first of eight “clinical flex areas” set up around the state where COVID-19 patients who no longer need acute treatment can recover.
For the complete story click here.
New Hampshire Restaurants are Granted Temporary Authorization for Take Out or Delivery of Beer and Wine
Governor Chris Sununu has allowed restaurants and bars that have an on-premise license from the New Hampshire State Liquor Commission to temporarily sell wine and beer as part of their newly mandated takeout service.
“This emergency order will allow for patrons to also order beer and wine from their favorite restaurants when ordering pickup or delivery.” said Sununu. The order shall remain in effect until April 6th, 2020. Read Executive Order 2020-4 below…
MSAD 72 has a Confirmed Positive Case of COVID-19
Please read the letter from Superintendent Robinson below…